Senin, 17 November 2008

Vitamins and Minerals to Prevent Depression

Food that is rich in the fatty acid Omega-3, such as nuts and fish oils such as salmon, tuna, Trout, and Mackerel, also considered helpful for reducing depression. Dr. Research. Andrew Stoll in 1999 shows that depression patients who consume fatty acid Omega-3-regularly will have a level of depression, lower.

In research published in November reported that 20,022 patients depression that is not susceptible to drugs, can be reduced symptoms after obtaining Feed Omega-3. Joseph Hibbeln, a senior medical researchers, found that residents of Finland who consume fish at least twice a week to decrease the risk of depression, 50 percent.

Eating rice can also reduce depression. Carbohydrate trigger lepasnya hormone insulin to the bloodstream. Hormones that clean blood from amino acids, except triptofan which is the embryo serotonin.

Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that is able to reduce pain, control the taste of food, and provide a sense of calm. Serotonin, there are many in the chocolate, so for people with depression, chocolate is a good choice.

Along with the increased demand, especially for those living in big cities, the number of depression tend to increase every year. Of course we still remember the grievous incident in the city of Leicester, tega when a mother kills her children are still small with poison and eventually suicide due to depression because of the economic crush.

Risk factors that can encourage someone to do suicide soul interference is, the economy, education, health, the poor, events that cause stress, and depression.

Depression as a suicide risk factors should also be skeptical. Many of pressure in this life, can become the trigger depression. Dr. Suryo Dharmono, Sp.KJ, from the Department of psychiatry FKUI, had explained that depression is often used broadly to describe the atmosphere completely difficult, protracted suffering, life crisis, a decline in social situations and various other nuances glum.

Sleep Disorders

The term depression in the health science used to describe the life conditions of a disruption in the lives of clinical appear in the form of feelings of morose atmosphere, losing the joy of life, listless, pessimistic or hopelessness, and loss of self-confidence, accompanied by various physical complaints or somatis, such as weight down, disfungsi sexual, and sleep disturbances.

Depression can cause sleep disturbances because of interruptions effectiveness melatonin, a chemical substance that is produced by the brain gland that regulates the hours of sleep a person. Melatonin is also useful as antioxidants that will prevent free radical attack. Stress causes the antioxidant melatonin can not work properly. Not surprisingly, the early process of aging more quickly whip the depression.

Depression is a disturbance that most people commonly found in the community. Prevalence is quite high, ranging 5-10 percent, in the women's event two times more than men. Groups of youth and elders suffering from depression are more vulnerable.

Surveys and the World Health Organization (WHO) in 14 countries (1990) shows that depression is a health problem that lead to social burden number four largest in the world. WHO predictions about depression sufferer of the world's population in the coming two decades more than 300 million people. In the year 2020, depression will settle health problem number two largest in the world after cardiovascular disease.

Based on these facts, depression, must get serious attention. We must be able to distinguish the people who experienced depression and light weight. Dr. Irmansyah, Sp.KJ, from the Department of psychiatry FKUI states that people with mild depression can still work.

However, if the person suffering severe depression, it is usually more than happy to incarcerate them, can not work or school, can not eat, do not do any activity, even psikotik symptoms arise, such as a sound that disfigure himself.

Suicide and depression can even be experienced by children in school. Claims that high school and the family shattered, often pemicunya. From research conducted on 39,000 people, found that depression, a crippling lethargy, feeling rejected, despair, suicide and desire, this community experienced in the range of increasingly young age.
Food Antidepresi

What is the relationship with depression, food? People in the state of depression tend to have the adrenalin rate higher than ordinary people. Adrenalin will provide additional energy to overcome the problems faced. Increasing the rate of adrenalin will take vitamin that is stored in our body.

The high level of depression, will supply the vitamin and leave little left over for energy purposes seharihari. That's why people who experienced depression, it's easy to exhaustion. Role of food to help someone prevent and overcome depression is very important. Many people experience when frustration, the taste of food increased.

This is good enough because the impact of energy and nutrition needs of people who experience depression are much higher. In addition, some types of foods known to affect brain function, called the neurotransmitter. That is why some types of food can cause a more peaceful and reduce depression.

Then, food such as what is good for people with stress? We do not need to imagine the food must be purchased at the hotel five or expensive restaurants because the food is indeed very familiar with our careful.

Vitamins and Minerals

Food is good for people with depression, which is rich in vitamins and minerals. Food that is recommended for people with depression, among other fruits, green vegetables, milk, nuts and fish.

Fruits and vegetables is very important for the people because the rich vitamin C. A penelitiara in the United States on a number of prisoners shows that the emotional pressure decreased after they were given Feed vitamin C regularly. Vitamin C can also help improve the immune system, which decreased due to depression.

When the depression, should reduce the smoking habit. Consumption 1.5 packets of cigarettes will reduce the body's vitamin C Feed up to 30 percent. Even in the condition of depression, the presence of vitamin C is needed to alleviate it. Vegetables such as beet, spinach, playpen CHOY, cabbage, broccoli, nuts (such as soy beans), and lentil, also can help alleviate depression.

Folat acid content of the vegetables can reduce the rate homosistein associated with the occurrence depression. Niasin such as vitamin and selenium can also help overcome depression. Niasin is one of the vitamin B complex, which can improve the function of nerve cells, thereby reducing the sense of fear or panic. Source niasin is red rice, chicken, tuna, goat meat, grain, fruit and pomegranate.

Lack of selenium easily make someone panic, uring-uringan and depresif. To overcome this, they consume enough beans, tuna, wheat or rice. Mineral other important work to overcome interference and emergency depression is magnesium. Mechanism through the reduction of muscle tension. Magnesium can be obtained from the spinach, chocolate, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, shells, and avocado.

Alcohol as Halusinasi

Not a few people choose to consume alcohol drunk to forget all the problems experienced. Alcohol can reduce the anxiety. Alcohol can work as a tranquilizer or depresan. However, the effect of chronic alcohol level can cause severe depression.

Alcohol is absorbed directly by the small intestine and can reach the brain cells, and consequently communications in the brain cells become so bad, and our concentration difficult. Dependence on alcohol in the long term can change the function of the soul, so that people have easy halusinasi. Alcohol is also not good for health. Alcohol can slow the production of enzymes that are needed to mencerna food, especially fat.

Alcohol also to supply vitamin C, folat acid, vitamin B complex other substances zinc, and vitamin A in the body. Alcohol aggravate heart to be working properly. One glass beverage that can be used occasionally to calm the feelings and improve the taste of food. It is not dangerous. However, the habit of drinking alcohol in the amount of many, can endanger the ability of the body to reduce stress.

How to Create atmosphere Soul Food

How to eat also affect the effectiveness of food to reduce depression. Consumption of food in slowly to create a relaxing atmosphere of psychological, which ultimately will be positive impact for the alimentary tract. Enjoy food presented with the best.

How to eat a hurry will not cause food tercerna a mechanical well. Mechanical digestion less perfect in the mouth will cause the stomach must work hard mencerna food that is still raw but has swallowed the esophagus.

Eating should not excessive. Digestive system of the body can not work optimally when we eat too much. In the conditions of depression, a person can only have increased the food taste great. Eat according to the normal portion eaten. Do not give food to be the target of how many or how few, because this will make us more oppressive.

People who suffer from obesity tend to experience greater depression. In the environment surrounding that still looked "slim is beautiful" and "slim is healthy" fat people will be put in difficult positions.

When they berdiet, depression is increasing because people usually eat fat due to external stimulus, such as the flavor of foods or foods that look appetizing. Meanwhile, the taste of the normal people, caused more by internal factors, namely the emergence of hunger that encourage him to eat.

Declining food for Feed mereka.yang berdiet, can be a source of depression. This plus the fear, if the diet is not run successfully lose weight.

Limit caffeine and Soft Drinks

People who are steady cook problems should avoid foods that contain caffeine. Caffeine found in coffee, tea, cola drinks, chocolate and some medications. Excessive caffeine negative impact on stress, stress can create even more poorly.

Caffeine is a stimulant substances that increase stomach acid production and tiroid hormone that can cause anxiety. Caffeine also cause kidney work harder to act as diuretik (often causes urine).

Stimulation of this substance can prevent the absorption of iron if consumed with food or one hour after meals. People often consume caffeine to increase energy quickly. Pandangah this is wrong because the actual caffeine exhausting adrenalin glands and eventually will bring the effects of tiring.

Avoid soft drinks also. Soft drinks contain phosphorus, which can also hidroklorida neutralize acid in the stomach. As a result, digestion, which can interfere eventually intensifying levels of depression.

Avoid foods that also contain preservatives and MSG-ber (enhancing the taste) high. Consumption of food containing MSG and Sodium levels can trigger hypertension and make it difficult for people to think clear.

In the conditions of depression, stomach disturbances often occur. This indicates that the digestive channel more attention needs when we are experiencing emotional disturbance. Therefore, food-food which potentially bring stomach irritation should be reduced as high fatty foods, spicy food, acid foods (pickles and young fruit), and half-cooked meat.

Consumption of food that sweet-sweet (bergula) high should be avoided. Consumption of sweet foods will spend vitamin B complex in the body because the conversion of sugar into energy requires the presence of vitamin B. Those who suffer will be defisiensi vitamin B1 disturbed nervous system and raise the symptoms of fatigue

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Anti-aging food

It is important to understand that a number of vitamin work more effectively in the body by the presence of antioxidants. When consumed anti-oxidants fight will stick with him on the free radical, and ultimately reduce the inflammation associated with many aspects of the aging process. Not limited to heart disease and wrinkling only.

From a number of nutritious foods, there are three foods that should be considered eligible to slow aging, namely salmon, bluberi, and green tea.

Salmon contain antioxidants that make a very good vitamins C and E work longer, improve the health of the eyes and skin. Salmon is also a source of protein needed to create all the cells, skin, hair, eyes, muscles, and organs. Also contain healthy fats, the Omega-3, which increase the HDL to reduce the negative effects of LDL cholesterol.

Give antosianin that help contain vitamin C and E work better in the body. Research conducted in Denmark shows that give used in the reduction of inflammation and treatment or prevention of Alzheimer's Disease, Parkinson, senile, and mood disturbance or mood.

Green tea is healthful beverage. Month last February, written in the journal of Nutrition and Biochem, by the Japanese researchers, katekin in the green tea is a source of antioxidants guard for the brain neurons and prevent the decline in cognitive.

Three strong antioksidatif food should be included in the menu of food daily to maintain mental and physical health. In addition, also added fruits and vegetables rich in antioxidants, such as:

• avocado. Fruit is a good source for saturated fat is not a single can help lower the rate of bad cholesterol in the body. Avocado also become somber vitamin E can help maintain health and prevent skin aging skin. Vitamin E may also help simtom hot flush or burning feeling in the face. Rich, potassium, which will help prevent fluid containment and high blood pressure.

Give. Give black, bluberi, black wine contains fitokimia known as a strong flavonoid antioxidants, which help protect the body against damage caused by free radicals and aging.

• Cabbage. Cruciferous family of vegetables, including cabbage, cabbage flowers, broccoli, Brussels sprout, radish, help the body fight the toxins and cancer. Suggested consume about 115 grams of vegetables each day. When possible, the consumption of raw or boiled so that when the enzyme is important remain intact.

• Garlic. Protective effect against heart of garlic have been recorded since long. Results of research in 1994, in Iowa, U.S., against 41,837 women aged 55-69 years shows that women who consume one cloves garlic at least once each week 50 percent lower risk of colon cancer development. Research in other Tasgore Medical College, India, shows that garlic reduce the rate of cholesterol and help thin the blood instead of aspirin is more effective and also reduce the risk of heart disease.

• Ginger. Berempah the root of this system can improve digestion and circulation in the body that is very useful, especially for the elderly. Ginger also can help ease pain and rheumatism pains.

• Nuts. Nuts are good sources of minerals, particularly brazil nuts and the walnut tree. Although berkalori high, canary-rich potassium, magnesium, iron, ZINC, copper and selenium. Add the beans in your diet can improve the function of channel digested and immune system, improve skin and prevent cancer. Nuts also help control the rate of cholesterol.

• beer, wine, yoghurt. Rich will be important minerals such as potassium, calcium, protein, and vitamin B. Another thing that makes beer, wine, yoghurt become one of the many important food is the presence of bacteria living in it. These bacteria help the absorption of the vitamin in the intestine and stabilize the body's immunity system.

• Rice and paste red wheat. Carbohydrate is the food berenergi. Replace the pasta and white rice pasta with red wheat and rice, and you will quickly feel the difference in the rate of energy.

• watermelon. Not only have the effect of alkali (a basa) to the body, but also provide essential liquids that the body needed to perform various tasks.

• Water. No one can match the intensity of water. Removing the poison from the water body also provides for fluid flow of blood.

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Abses Periapikal


Abses Periapikal is the collection of pus that has spread from a tooth to the network in the area, the biaanya derived from an infection.


The body attacks the infection with a large number of white blood cells; pus is a set of white blood cells and a network of death.

Usually, pus from a tooth infection initially flowed to the gums, gums that are near the root of the tooth is inflated.

Pus can be flowed to the skin, mouth, throat or skull, depending on the location of the affected teeth.


Dental pain, also arise when swallowing pain.

Probable fever accompanied by swelling in the lymph kelanjar neck.

If very swollen, occur in jowl area swelling.


The diagnosis was based on the symptoms and physical examination results.


Abses or selulitis overcome by removing the pus and infection through the mouth or surgical treatment channel roots.

To help remove the infection are often given antibiotics.

Action is the most important revoke pulpa affected and the nanahnya.

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