Senin, 17 November 2008

Anti-aging food

It is important to understand that a number of vitamin work more effectively in the body by the presence of antioxidants. When consumed anti-oxidants fight will stick with him on the free radical, and ultimately reduce the inflammation associated with many aspects of the aging process. Not limited to heart disease and wrinkling only.

From a number of nutritious foods, there are three foods that should be considered eligible to slow aging, namely salmon, bluberi, and green tea.

Salmon contain antioxidants that make a very good vitamins C and E work longer, improve the health of the eyes and skin. Salmon is also a source of protein needed to create all the cells, skin, hair, eyes, muscles, and organs. Also contain healthy fats, the Omega-3, which increase the HDL to reduce the negative effects of LDL cholesterol.

Give antosianin that help contain vitamin C and E work better in the body. Research conducted in Denmark shows that give used in the reduction of inflammation and treatment or prevention of Alzheimer's Disease, Parkinson, senile, and mood disturbance or mood.

Green tea is healthful beverage. Month last February, written in the journal of Nutrition and Biochem, by the Japanese researchers, katekin in the green tea is a source of antioxidants guard for the brain neurons and prevent the decline in cognitive.

Three strong antioksidatif food should be included in the menu of food daily to maintain mental and physical health. In addition, also added fruits and vegetables rich in antioxidants, such as:

• avocado. Fruit is a good source for saturated fat is not a single can help lower the rate of bad cholesterol in the body. Avocado also become somber vitamin E can help maintain health and prevent skin aging skin. Vitamin E may also help simtom hot flush or burning feeling in the face. Rich, potassium, which will help prevent fluid containment and high blood pressure.

Give. Give black, bluberi, black wine contains fitokimia known as a strong flavonoid antioxidants, which help protect the body against damage caused by free radicals and aging.

• Cabbage. Cruciferous family of vegetables, including cabbage, cabbage flowers, broccoli, Brussels sprout, radish, help the body fight the toxins and cancer. Suggested consume about 115 grams of vegetables each day. When possible, the consumption of raw or boiled so that when the enzyme is important remain intact.

• Garlic. Protective effect against heart of garlic have been recorded since long. Results of research in 1994, in Iowa, U.S., against 41,837 women aged 55-69 years shows that women who consume one cloves garlic at least once each week 50 percent lower risk of colon cancer development. Research in other Tasgore Medical College, India, shows that garlic reduce the rate of cholesterol and help thin the blood instead of aspirin is more effective and also reduce the risk of heart disease.

• Ginger. Berempah the root of this system can improve digestion and circulation in the body that is very useful, especially for the elderly. Ginger also can help ease pain and rheumatism pains.

• Nuts. Nuts are good sources of minerals, particularly brazil nuts and the walnut tree. Although berkalori high, canary-rich potassium, magnesium, iron, ZINC, copper and selenium. Add the beans in your diet can improve the function of channel digested and immune system, improve skin and prevent cancer. Nuts also help control the rate of cholesterol.

• beer, wine, yoghurt. Rich will be important minerals such as potassium, calcium, protein, and vitamin B. Another thing that makes beer, wine, yoghurt become one of the many important food is the presence of bacteria living in it. These bacteria help the absorption of the vitamin in the intestine and stabilize the body's immunity system.

• Rice and paste red wheat. Carbohydrate is the food berenergi. Replace the pasta and white rice pasta with red wheat and rice, and you will quickly feel the difference in the rate of energy.

• watermelon. Not only have the effect of alkali (a basa) to the body, but also provide essential liquids that the body needed to perform various tasks.

• Water. No one can match the intensity of water. Removing the poison from the water body also provides for fluid flow of blood.

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