Senin, 17 November 2008

All you need to know about coronary Angiografi

Is Angiografi coronary?
Angiografi coronary procedure is an x-ray (X-Ray) to check for blood vessel heart arteries (coronary arteries) with a special camera to see if the coronary blood vessel constriction or stoppage experience. This procedure is a procedure that important when doctors suspect or know your people coronary heart disease.

Doctors who perform the procedure, with only local anesthesia, will enter a plastic hose and thin penjang into a blood vessel artery in the thigh or fold your hands. A thin hose and fleksible is called catherization, so proseur are also often known as Kateterisasi heart.

Once catherization into the artery in the thigh or fold your hand, the doctor will enter the catherization to the Aorta (the main blood vessels that exit from the heart), where the estuary of the coronary arteries. Next diinjeksikan a special material into the coronary arteries and pictures taken with the x-ray it. Thus, doctors can see what problems there are in your coronary arteries.

What can be known from Angiografi
Angiografi coronary can detect the existence of coronary heart disease and is the only method that accurately (Gold Standard - that's diagnosis) to show parts of the coronary blood vessel constriction or stoppage experienced by plaque aterosklerosis.

Are coronary heart disease

Anatomy of coronary blood vessel coronary heart disease is a disease of the coronary arteries. Coronary artery is the blood vessels that supply the heart with blood to the heart can continue pumping work. Coronary artery is located outside the heart out of its mouth and Aorta.

Plaque Aterosklerosis
Normal coronary vessel and Not Normal sumbatan or constriction in the coronary blood vessels caused by the deposit, which consists of fat, muscle cells plain coronary blood vessels and other ekstraselular matrix (also called plaque aterosklerosis) in the walls of coronary arteries. This plaque is formed slowly (many years) from the vessel wall layer continues to grow in the Lumen vessel, and is not a deposition, or pile on the vessel wall. When this plaque is large, the Lumen arteries become narrow and blood flow to the heart muscle will be reduced. This can cause chest pain (Angina Pectoris) or heart attack (Heart Attack).

Angina usually arise when the heart must work harder from normal, such as during exercise or when emotional. Part of the heart supplied by that narrow arteries do not get enough oxygen and causing chest pain. At the heart attack, the arteries narrow suddenly become totally stopped because of blood clot formation in the arteries narrow.

Part of the heart muscle supplied by the artery does not receive oxygen at all and can be damaged permanently if blood flow is not repaired quickly. Angina to treat and prevent a heart attack, need to know the coronary blood vessel constriction and experienced how serious that your doctor can decide the best treatment for you.

Are there risks?
As in many other medical examination, there are some risks, but rarely a serious problem found. Most people do not have a problem, and if your doctor has recommended examine this means that the benefits will be obtained from examine this far exceeds the risk that may occur.

Problems that can happen is a small bruise around the place penusukkan (entrance catherization), which usually disappear in a few days, benjolan in the arteries where penusukkan or irritation of the surrounding nerve fibers (can cause death or pins and a sense of local temporary). Another problem is also rarely found allergic reactions to the contrast material. The more serious problems can occur, especially in patients with high risk, and this can be discussed with your doctor. Preparation Angiografi coronary
In general matters under this routinely done:

1. Before you run the procedure at the hospital, the doctor will ask some checks to help assess your case, such as blood tests, electrocardiogram, heart test practicing berbeban (Treadmill) and / or chest X-rays.
2. You usually come to the hospital of rice a day and may be treated to a night next, you will be asked to fast (no eating and drinking) for 3 to 4 hours before the procedure
3. When you are in hospital, and doctors or nurses will provide explanations about the procedures that will be done and answer any questions that you ask. Next you will be asked to form menandatangi approval for the procedure.
4. You will be shaven in the area where the catherization will be included, all the jewelry will be removed and wear special clothes. During the procedure you will remain conscious.

Angiografi coronary procedures
Angiografi coronary done in a special laboratory called the laboratory kateterisasi ( "Cath Lab"), which resembles a space operations. There you will be on the dibaringkan table and connected with a tool that monitors your heart rhythm continuously.

A small area in the circle of arms or fold your thigh (depending on the region that will be used) will be shaven and cleaned. Terseut areas will be closed with a sterile cloth. Doctors will inject local anesthesia drugs folded thigh or your hands. Next catherization inserted into the artery. Local anesthesia is used because you must remain conscious during the examination for doctors to follow the instructions. Catherization inserted through the body's main blood vessel (Aorta), the estuary to the coronary arteries in the heart. Most people do not feel pain during the examination, because there are no nerve fibers in blood vessels, then you can not feel the movement catherization in the body.

When the placement catherization catherization already in the coronary arteries, a number of contrast material diinjeksikan to the catherization. X-ray images taken during the next run through the contrast of coronary arteries. This image is seen in the television monitor and recorded in the film. Some catherization different dipelrukan to check coronary arteries.

All the checks take about 30 minutes. After catherization is inserted so that blood will not exit. You are not allowed further moves feet or hands for 4-6 hours. When the bleeding has stopped, patients can generally be allowed to return home. Then your doctor will explain the results Angiografi. Information on heart examination and blood vessel coronary will be used to determine the treatment you in the future.

Coronary heart disease treatment
Depending on the severity and number of aberration in the coronary vessel, treatment for coronary heart disease usually meiputi least one of the following:

* Drugs
With the drugs can dilate blood vessels, slow the heartbeat, decrease blood pressure or reduce chest pain (angina). This is all mengurani work load on the heart may be some cases of this type of treatment is needed.
* Angiplasti coronary (PTCA / PCI)
To improve the flow of blood to the heart using a special balloon to open the blood vessels narrow. If necessary, "Stent" can be installed on the local constriction, procedures such as coronary Angiografi on.
* Quick Links coronary surgery
A healthy blood vessel from the chest or leg or arm to be transplanted blood vessel coronary tiak that can function properly. Blood may flow through to other roads that pass through the constriction or stoppage.

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