Senin, 17 November 2008

Blood Cancer

Like other cancer, cancers of the blood can not be the cause. Some of the factors mentioned as factors such as predisposisi affected by radiation, which is high enough. Adverse dijatuhkannya bomb in Hiroshima and Nagasaki by the U.S. in 1944, many local residents affected by blood cancer. The other factor is the display by certain chemical substances, certain viruses, and air pollution.

Cancer is marked with two of the prominent. Growth that is not normal cells and the cell growth in the number of lots. In the blood cancer, the growth of cells that are not normal. The form of white blood cells that are less mature and in large numbers. This growth emphasizes the growth of blood cells, which include a chip-chip blood or result trombosit that people often experience bleeding.

Blood cells in the first comes from one type of cell called the parent cells (stem cells). Stem cells will develop into red blood cells, white blood cells, and chip-chip blood. The growth of one type of cells can result in the emphasis of growth of cells to another. That's why the blood cancer, found the conditions of anemia (red blood cells, which decreased) and trombositopenia (chip, which decreases the blood).

Treatment of this disease depends on the type of blood cancer, stadium, and the condition of people. Through the treatment process can include chemotherapy, radiotherapy, and antibiotic therapy and supportive. Therapy was given in accordance with the complaint and signs that appear.

Adekuat treatment with the disease can be cured. Despite its recovery figures vary between 4 to 80%, depending on the type of blood cancer. This blood cancer can relapse again. When this happens, or if the treatment is usually less satisfactory results then can be done parent cell transplantation (stem cells).

Actually, the body also has its own mechanism to overcome this disease. With the spirit of life and desire to recover without any stress will help improve the resistance against the disease for people and ultimately will help the healing. No less an example, when the cancer has reached the end of the stadium, when doctors have been surrendered, and assign patients, patients do after treatment, the results bear out human calculations.

Medicine and treatment alternative to traditional There is currently no scientific evidence is. By this logic may be able to help provide healing by increasing the resistance people. If this treatment will provide komunikasikan with the doctor who cared.

Not a few cases, when patients expressed directly affected by cancer and then seek alternative treatment. However, ultimately the patient to return to medical treatment with the condition that has worsened and treatment more difficult.

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