Senin, 17 November 2008

What and How Hemofilia

Hemofilia aberration is bleeding due to the lack of a blood coagulation factor. Hemofilia consists of 2 types and is often called "The Royal Diseases" disease or kingdom.

For medical precautions, people must impose hemofilia bracelet or necklace hemofilia bookmarks.

Hemofilia disease is a disruption of blood coagulation and lowered by kromoson through X. The disease is marked with spontaneous bleeding and the heavy aberration of art and chronic pain. Hemofilia more occur in males, because they have only one X chromosome Women are usually the bearer nature (carriers).

However, women can also suffer if hemofilia men married to women hemofilia carrier hemofilia.

Hemofilia divided into two types, namely:

Hemofilia A:

* Hemofilia Classic, hemofilia of the most lack of coagulation factors in the blood.
* Hemofilia lack Factor VIII, occurred because of lack of factor 8 (Factor VIII) protein in the blood that cause problems in the process of blood coagulation.

Hemofilia B:

* Christmas Disease; found for the first time in a Christmas origin named Steven Canada
* Hemofilia lack Factor IX, occurred because of lack of factor 9 (Factor IX) protein in the blood that cause problems in the process of blood coagulation.

Hemofilia A or B is a disease that is rarely found. A Hemofilia occur at least - 1 of the lack of 10,000 people. B Hemofilia more rarely found, namely 1 of the 50,000.

History Hemofilia

Although not yet have a name, hemofilia have been found since long. Talmud, a set of writings of Jewish Rabi, 2 century BC stated that after the baby is a male does not have to dikhitan if the two men, brothers-lakinya to death due to dikhitan. In addition, a doctor Arab origin, Albucasis, who lived in the 12th century to write about a family that every child lakinya men died after bleeding occurred due to a small wound.

In the year 1803, Dr. John Conrad Otto, a Philadelphia doctor origin write a report about the bleeding that occurs in a particular family only. He concluded that the condition is revealed only in men. He is tracking the disease in a woman with three previous generations who lived near Plymouth, New Hampshire in 1780.

Hemofilia word first appeared in a paper written by Hopff at the University of Zurich, the year 1828. And according to the encyclopedia Britanica, the term hemofilia (haemophilia) first introduced by an A German doctor, Johann Lukas Schonlein (1793 - 1864), in the year 1928.

Hemofilia also called "The Royal Diseases" disease or kingdom. This is in the British Queen, Queen Victoria (1837 - 1901) is a bearer nature / hemofilia carrier. The children to eight, Leopold is a hemofilia and often bleeding. Leopold died due to bleeding in the brain when he was 31 years old.

One daughter Victoria is Alice, it is hemofilia carrier, and the boys from Alice, Viscount Trematon, also died due to brain bleeding in the year 1928. Alice and Beatrice, is a carrier, and they spread the disease hemofilia to Spain, Germany, Russia and the Family Kingdom.

In the 20th century, the doctors continue to search for the causes of the emergence hemofilia. Until they believe that the blood vessels of people hemofilia easily broken. Then in 1937, two doctors from Havard, Patek and Taylor, the solving of the blood coagulation, by adding a substance extracted from plasma in blood.

These substances called "anti - hemophilic globulin." In the year 1944, Pavlosky, a doctor from Buenos Aires, Argentina, to a pilot test of the laboratory results showed that blood from a patient hemofilia can overcome the problems of blood coagulation in the patient hemofilia other and vice versa.

By coincidence, he found two types of people hemofilia with each - their lack of substance in different protein - factor VIII and Factor IX. And this in 1952, made hemofilia A and B hemofilia as two different types of the disease.

Then in the 1960s, was found by Dr. cryoprecipitate. Judith Pool.Dr. Pool found that the sediment in the plasma, which contains many melt factor VIII. For the first time factor VIII can be included on the shortage, to combat the serious bleeding. Even allows people to do the operation on hemofilia.

Although Hemofilia has been long known in the world of medical science, but in the new year 1965, the diagnosis through laboratory introduced by the new Lien Kho Kheng. The introduction of laboratory diagnosis using Thromboplastin Generation Test (TGT), in addition to checking the time bleeding and blood coagulation time period. At the time of full of fresh blood is the only way that treatment is available in the hospital.

Symptoms and treatment Hemofilia

When the impact occurred in the body will lead to bluish (bleeding under the skin)
* If the bleeding occurs in the skin outside the bleeding can not be stopped.
* Bleeding in the skin often occur in the elbow joint, such as hands and feet that cause knee pain that great.

For those who have these symptoms, recommended immediate blood test to obtain the certainty of the disease and treatment. Transgender people hemofilia form of recombinant Factor VIII given to the patient injection hemofili form or transfusions.

Giving a routine transfusion kriopresipitat-AHF for people hemofilia A and fresh frozen plasma for people hemofilia B. So the other is through injection of drugs. Both drugs and transfusion must be given to the patient regularly every 7-10 days. Without treatment the better, few people are able to survive until the age of adult. Therefore, most hemofilia died at the age of a child or toddler.
This is Important Know

Hemofilia is a disease that is not popular and is not easily diagnosed. Therefore, the patient is expected to impose hemofilia bracelet or necklace hemofilia bookmarks and always carry medical information themselves. This is related to medical treatment, if hemofilia be forced to undergo treatment in hospitals or accident. The most important, people can not get hemofilia injection into the muscle because it can cause bleeding or injured.

People must also be diligent hemofilia treatment and examination of dental health and gum regularly. For dental examination and special, at least a half years, because if the teeth should be revoked semisalnya problematic, of course, can cause bleeding.

Consume food or beverages and maintaining a healthy body weight that is not excessive. Because excess weight can cause bleeding in the joints-joints in the legs (especially in the case hemofilia weight).

Hemofilia people should avoid the use of aspirin can increase bleeding because of the cleanup and consume drugs.
Sports regularly to keep muscles and joints remain strong and for the health body. Good physical condition, which can reduce the amount of bleeding. So, when people who hemofilia can not beraktifitas live shows and a normal person.

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