Senin, 17 November 2008

Five repellent Fat

When forced to show you consume more fatty food? Do not delay to be "membereskannya." Here are some options that can be taken to remove fat from our body.

Green Tea

Pamor more green tea the globe after research revealed many more benefits sehatnya. Green tea is called good to help fight heart disease and cancer classmates. Research also suggests that drinking green tea may help fight fat cumulation.

Research published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition revealed that the people who drink a bottle of drinking green tea extract every day for three months it lost more body fat compared with only drink oolong tea. Substances that help trigger a decrease in body fat is out there on katekin. It stimulated the body burn calories and reduce body fat.

Green tea as black and oolong tea, comes from the Latin plant called Camellia sinensis. However, in the process, green tea is not fermented like "brothers" to another. Same as polifenol contain other types of tea, especially green tea is rich in species polifenol called katekin. This is the substance that have antiperadangan, antikanker, and reduce the cumulation of fat and cholesterol.

Some 35 Japanese men measured decrease in body fat benefit katekin research questions to decrease the fat. They have the same weight and size of waist circumference, and is divided into two groups.

The first three months, the first group of oolong tea extract diperkaya the katekin 690 mg. The second group oolong tea with an additional 22 mg katekin.

During the research of the men breakfast and dinner and be given the same instructions to control the calories and fat Feed, so the total eat together. After three months, men who drink green tea extract experienced a decrease in body weight more.

They also experienced a decrease in body mass index, the size pingang circumference, and total body fat. Not only that, they drink green tea to decrease the rate of bad cholesterol (LDL) also.


Orange juice is the mainstay of the bertrofski for healthy living. The philosophy of ancient Indian Ayurveda treatment believe that the first food that we nap in the morning will set the mood for the day. With trust, they drink a glass of warm water that given the reduced lime or lemon.

A glass of warm water and orange juice is dissolved and stimulate channel peristaltic bowel movements us. In the time not long after drinking, affairs defecate it smoothly. Poison-poison in the channel in recent digested easily. In addition, orange juice good for the body because it is rich in vitamins and minerals.

Unfortunately, not much research on orange juice as research for the benefit of green tea whale fat or cholesterol lowering. A research that is not mentioned from the journals which are published, writing lime can reduce cholesterol. In a laboratory test, found that when exposed limonin contained in the lemon, human liver cells produce less apo B, a compound related to the rate of cholesterol.

Orange juice not only healthy rate of fat in the body, but can also be the option to reduce the salt at Orange announcement of this type of food believed to be more flavor to food. So more delicious cuisine and healthy.

White onions

If there is a proverb, an apple a day keep us from disease, it also seems to apply garlic. During the centuries people consume garlic flavor cuisine as well as drugs.

Garlic is believed to be a lot of healing benefits. Among the wounded to treat animal bite, pus, wounds, headaches, acne, and also including a cold treat due antibakteri, antijamur, and antivirusnya.

Excellence benefits of garlic is attributed to flavonoid content in it. Flavonoid antioxidants that have the quality, not only to maintain good health and heart blood vessels, but also for the beauty and skin keawetmudaan.

The difference with apples, garlic contains allicin, the smell of oily liquid. This makes the garlic has a distinctive smell. Although the smell, substance allicin is a material antibakteri due sulfurnya active.

In matters pound of fat and cholesterol that the health, garlic can also be pledge. Antioksidannya due to the strong, garlic can help prevent bad cholesterol (LDL) is not oxidised. In this way dump cholesterol that can clog arteries vessel with a reduced consumption of garlic.

Although healthy, we should be patient for heart disease or other weight to consult with doctors before consume garlic. Do not consume more than three or four a day because of raw onion can make the blood so thin and may lead to the emergence of other diseases.


It is estimated pickles found in India about 4,000 years ago. Food is never praised the benefits sehatnya by Aristotle. In fact, Napoleon Bonaparte and recognizes the property sehatnya give pickles as one of ransum prajuritnya. George Washington did not have missed the collection of 476 types of pickles.

Carrot and cucumber pickles have the advantage because it contains healthy bacteria that hamper the growth of good bacteria evil in the alimentary tract. Pickle vegetables also have vitamin C content of middling height. A high rate of antioxidant that is useful to help absorption of iron better.

Nutrition expert Carol S. Johnston from Arizona State University, U.S., found that the consumption of pickles meroketnya can reduce blood sugar after meals. Not yet known exactly what can be muted rise of sugar after eating pickles, but he suspect that there is acid in the vinegar and pickles prevent carbohydrate digestion in the stomach.

Johnston examined a group of people. In the third group is people with type two diabetes, such as people pradiabetes, and the remaining third have no signs of diabetes.

The subject of research that examined the blood sugar after eating carbohydrate-rich breakfast. It appeared that vinegar consumption, improve blood sugar three groups, but the best are the people pradiabetes.

Fruit juice repellent Fat

1 lemon
1 medium size cucumber
2 apples hapless / apple green

How to make:
Wash clean all the materials, cut as necessary, removed bijinya orange extract and then take the juicer. Pour into a glass, Serve.

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