Senin, 17 November 2008

How to Safely consume Herbal Supplement

If you are interested consume herbal supplements, try:

- Select a product supplement that terstandardisasi. Generally, the package will be visible signs that indicate distandardisasi products have been authorized by the authorities. These standards include testing the product for uniformity, cleanliness, and free from Contaminants such as environmental impacts, mercury, or drugs. Do not assume that all herbal products in the market is safe.

- Only select products that are clearly content or composition on the packaging. Should select a single herbal products.

- Be careful with claims that looks too good to be true. When the ads are excessive, just listen to your conscience. You need to remember, no one herbal supplement that can overcome the disease with a broad spectrum.

In addition, there are still some restrictions. Those with the condition is recommended to avoid the use of herbal supplements:

• Medium consume drugs or doctors free drug.
Some herbal can cause serious side effects when combined with prescription drugs and medications such as aspirin-free, pengencer blood, or drugs antihipertensi.

• There should supplement with a doctor first if you want to consume herbal supplements. Of course will be better if the doctor is also about herbal understand.

Doctors will give advice if:
* Herbs that you want to have the side effects of the consumption of potentially dangerous or not.
* Herbal match with a certain status of your health at this time.

• Medium pregnant or breastfeeding. Should not consume any drugs, better medicines
prescription drugs free, or herbal, unless your doctor approves. Drugs that may be safe for adults, it can be dangerous to the fetus or your baby.

• Will undergo surgery. Many herbal supplements can affect the success of surgical action. Some can not reduce the effectiveness of anesthesia or cause complications such as bleeding or high blood pressure. Explain to the top of the herbal doctor who you are or will consumption.

• Age less than 18 years old or more than 65 years. Just a few herbal supplements that have been through the process of clinical trials in children or set a safe dose for children.

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